I worked to solve different problems Houzecheck.com was facing including old design, product discovery and improving the UX of the whole website and finally a web app for surveyors to book surveys online.
From initial assessments and understanding of the project, I decided that the priority was to improve the Homepage to make it easier for people to know what Houzecheck does and what products it offers. Apart from increasing the product discovery, trust, and value of the product and services Houzecheck offers. The other thing I had to show to potential customers was that they employ experienced certified RICS surveyors for the business and people buying the product will get a quality and accurate market report in a very short time. Other requirements from the stakeholders were to design, career, services, contact, and other pages for the company.
It was a challenging experience for me since the design was going to make the actual money for the client. So the design for this was quite challenging. First, we (The client and I) had to figure out How the task should be done? And How many steps should there be before sending them(the users) to the payment page? I also had to make it very minimal and modern without looking cluttered with a bunch of elements. I worked hard on the wire-framing, low fidelity mockups, and then the whole UI Design, and the client provided the information from time to time and we finally got the design for the web app in two weeks timeline. I spent an extra one week designing the mobile app.
Problem identification
Solution and userflow
Surveyor booking platform 01
Surveyor booking platform 02
Surveyor booking platform 03
Surveyor booking platform 04
Houzecheck website 01
Houzecheck website 02
Houzecheck website services page
Surveyor booking platform 05